Green Solutions for Your Home

Do you compost your leftover waste? Do you adjust your thermostat at night to use less energy while you sleep? When you buy appliances, do you look for the Energy Star® seal?

These are all examples of sustainable living—in other words, activities that reduce energy consumption, waste, and pollution. These choices aren’t just good for the planet, they’re good for your health and your home, too. And to help make sustainable living easy, TRION offers many green solutions.

Eco-friendly air solutions

Under some green-home programs, a MERV 8 air filter is the minimum requirement. But if you’d like a more eco-friendly option, try the TRION Air Bear with a MERV 11 replaceable filter. A MERV 11 filter is designed to capture everything that a MERV 8 filter would—plus half of the particles that it wouldn’t catch.

Also, an electronic air cleaner like the TRION HE Plus series can capture up to 95% of particles as small as 0.1 micron. Although MERV testing was not established for electronic air cleaners, a MERV 15 washable air filter is 85%–95% efficient on 0.3 to 1 micron particles.

That higher efficiency means cleaner air and greater indoor comfort—and it also means that there are no filters to throw away. Just remove TRION’s Forever Filters periodically and wash away the collected dust. It’s that simple!

Lower your energy usage

Did you know that without the proper humidity in your home, it can feel up to eight degrees colder? (Brrr!)

Just like a humid summer day has a higher heat index than the actual temperature, too little humidity has the opposite effect in the winter and can make it feel colder than it really is. Using a properly sized and selected TRION steam, evaporative, or atomizing humidifier is an easy way to make it feel warmer inside without turning the thermostat up.

Depending upon your normal winter indoor humidity levels, you may find that with a properly selected TRION® humidifier, you can turn your thermostat down by five degrees and still have your home feel warmer than last winter. And according to several utility companies, lowering your thermostat just five degrees can reduce energy consumption in the winter by up to 15%. (Your wallet will thank you!)